Sunday, October 21, 2007

Ain't this cool???

My son had a math project and collected data on "what your favorite year was for the last 10 and 50 years" and if you were Democrat or republican or Independent, and if you were voting dem, Rep, or were undecided.
If youy look at the data, it seems the "best" years were during or right after democrats had power, or were in the 70's when the division or wealth hadn't been so republicanized. While it's 3 to 4 in favor of people fooled by the robber barons, 3 are undecided... so there's hope...
but I personally like Edwards...who hasn't taken a single DIME from special interests so owes no one nothing except the America people supportig him, with Ron Paul as his running mate (wouldn't that stir things up!)